AP-4110 Protec Epoxy Primer
Protec Epoxy Primer is a 2 pack adhesion promoting epoxy primer designed for use over bare metal surfaces and under spray polyester and hand applied body fillers to protect against corrosion.
When used as recommended with its dedicated hardener, AH-4120 Protec Epoxy Primer Hardener, it provides excellent adhesion to steel, aluminum, fibreglass and zinc coated metals.

AP-4441 Protec Etch Primer
Protec Etch Primer is a 2 pack chromate free etch primer designed for use under Paraglaze, Paraglaze CT and Carmaster 2 pack primers.
When used as recommended with its dedicated hardener, AH-4451 Protec Etch Primer Hardener, it provides maximum adhesion and corrosion resistance on large areas of bare steel, galvanised steel, aluminium and fibreglass.
AP-4441 Protec Etch Primer has superseded AP-4440 Protec Etch Primer as of August, 2014, retaining the same application, adhesion and corrosion resistance properties.

AP-4880 & AP-4990 Protec Plas Stik Primers
Protec Plas Stik Primer is a universal ready for use adhesion promoting primer for plastic substrates. It is suitable for use on a wide variety of plastic composites used on modern motor vehicles.
Protec Plas Stik Primer is available in the traditional clear version, AP-4990 Protec Plas Stik Primer, as well as a grey version, AP-4880 Protec Plas Stik Primer - Grey, that is more easily seen when applied and can be used as a groundcoat.

AP-6000 Protec Ultraseal
Protec Ultraseal is a two pack transparent sealer and adhesion promoter.
It can be tinted with up to 10% Paraglaze Gloss PT-G line tinters, and mixed with either Paraglaze or Carmaster reducers and hardeners.
Protec Ultraseal is used in wet on wet mode only and is most commonly used on new panels as an adhesion promoter over sound OEM electrocoat.