SATA® comes with a cup full of savings
Now that Protec Select Distributors are stocking SATA spray equipment, consumers have been quick to take advantage. While the company’s industry leading spray guns are high on most shopping lists, there are other high productivity, SATA developed technologies also proving popular, such as the clever RPS Disposable Cup system. RPS stands for ‘Rapid Preparation System’ and everything about it is geared to dramatically reducing paint preparation and cleaning time. Crucially, it works in exactly the same way as a conventional vented gravity flow cup so there are no downsides – no need to change application settings or techniques and the end result is not affected.
Available in three convenient sizes (300ml, 600ml and 900ml), one RPS Disposable Cup is all you need for paint mixing, spraying, refilling and storage. It offers savings at every step. Mixing is done in the cup so a separate mixing container isn’t required, the inbuilt sieve means a conventional paper filter isn’t needed and there’s no paint wastage in transferring from the mixing container to the cup. When the job is done it saves valuable labour time and materials, too – simply throw the cup away and the gun only requires a quick clean of the material passage. A SATA six cup carrier adds even more convenience and further increases efficiency – swapping colours becomes as easy as removing one RPS cup, cleaning the gun’s material passage and fitting it with the next colour RPS cup. Best of all, it fits most SATA spray guns and even other brands can be easily converted by using a special adaptor!
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