The PARAGLAZE brand comprises high quality premium refinish products for the professional efficient collision repair and repaints.
Paraglaze also delivers enhanced productivity thanks to world-class coatings technologies which actively assist users to become more efficient via faster drying times, excellent coverage and reduced surface preparation.
PC-3900 Paraglaze Extra Flow Clearcoat
Paraglaze Extra Flow Clearcoat is a two pack acrylic urethane clearcoat designed for high flow and high clarity.
It is formulated to give optimum gloss and durability when used over Paraglaze Basecoat and is designed to be used for multi panel and overall repainting.

PC-4780 Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat
Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat is a versatile 3:1 clearcoat that combines the speed you expect from a fast clearcoat with the appearance of a gloss clearcoat.
This clearcoat was developed in line with the growing focus in the refinish industry on products that can contribute to faster process speed and efficiency, while maintaining the same level of appearance typically seen in slower products.
Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat offers the same short bake time as PC-5870 Paraglaze Panel Clearcoat, with a shorter setup time (i.e. quicker flash off between coats) and the ability to polish soon after bake. It is formulated to give optimum gloss and durability when used over Paraglaze Basecoat and is designed to be used for multi panel work or small areas.
Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat replaces PC-5870 Paraglaze Panel Clearcoat as of November 2014.
PC-5870 Paraglaze Panel Clearcoat
Paraglaze Panel Clearcoat has been replaced with PC-4780 Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat as of November 2014 - please refer above.

PC-5950 Paraglaze Ultra Finish Clearcoat
Paraglaze Ultra Finish Clearcoat is a high performance, two pack acrylic urethane clearcoat that is specifically formulated to wet out with minimum effort.
It provides optimum gloss and durability when used over Paraglaze Basecoat.
It is designed to be used for multi panel and overall repainting.

PP-1550 Paraglaze Multiprime
Paraglaze Multiprime is a two pack acrylic urethane primer specifically designed for application under Paraglaze Basecoat and Paraglaze Gloss.
It is mainly used as a primer surfacer or wet-on-wet primer, however it can also be used as a primer filler.
Paraglaze Multiprime offers excellent surface levelling, sanding and gloss holdout and can also be tinted with Paraglaze Gloss (PT-G) tinters.

PP-3860 Paraglaze Prime & Fill
Paraglaze Prime & Fill is a two pack acrylic urethane quick drying high build primer designed for use where a high build is required over repair areas.
It can also be used as a primer surfacer and offers excellent sanding and gloss holdout and can also be tinted with Paraglaze Gloss (PT-G) tinters.
It is recomended for use under Paraglaze Basecoat and Paraglaze Gloss.

Paraglaze Hardeners
The balance of solvents in each of the Paraglaze Hardeners is optimised to provide excellent flow and gloss for various temperature ranges or application methods, when used with the correct Paraglaze Reducer.
PH-4100 Paraglaze Hardener Low Temp
- Below 20°C
- Commonly used when air drying
PH-4200 Paraglaze Hardener Standard
- 20°C to 30°C
- Most common choice
PH-4300 Paraglaze Hardener High Temp
- Over 30°C
- Also for use on large areas
Please refer to the relevant primer, topcoat or clearcoat Technical Data Sheet for mixing ratio details.

Paraglaze Reducers
The balance of solvents in each of the Paraglaze Reducers is optimised to provide excellent flow and gloss for various temperature ranges or application methods.
PS-6100 Paraglaze Reducer Low Temp
- Below 20°C
- Commonly used when air drying
PS-6200 Paraglaze Reducer Standard
- 20°C to 30°C
- Most common choice
PS-6300 Paraglaze Reducer High Temp
- Over 30°C
- Also for use on large areas
Please refer to the relevant primer, topcoat or clearcoat Technical Data Sheet for mixing ratio details.