Ideally suited to a variety of tasks, the Carmaster Primer range is easy to sand and produces good gloss hold-out; there is even a high efficiency wet-on-wet mode.
CP-6120 Carmaster 2 Pack Hi Build Primer Filler
Carmaster 2 Pack Hi Build Primer-Filler is a two pack acrylic urethane high build primer designed for use as a general smash quick drying high build primer-filler that is easy to sand.
It can also be thinned out and used as a primer surfacer and offers excellent film build, sanding and gloss holdout.
Another benefit as that it can be tinted with Paraglaze Gloss (PT-G) tinters.

CP-8550 Carmaster GP 2 Pack Primer Filler
Carmaster GP 2 Pack Primer-Filler is a two pack acrylic urethane primer-filler that can also be thinned and used as a primer surfacer or wet-on-wet primer.
It offers excellent surface levelling, sanding and gloss holdout and can also be tinted with Paraglaze Gloss (PT-G) tinters.