All New Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat
Over the past few years, the need to access effective tools to cope with changing industry conditions has seen a growing focus on refinish products which can make a real contribution to increased process speed and efficiency. This saw Protec’s local Research and Development Team swing into action to develop a new clearcoat, PC-4780 Paraglaze Fast Flow Clearcoat, which meets this ‘need for speed’. What’s more, this versatile 3:1 clearcoat combines the speed expected from a fast clearcoat with the excellent clarity and gloss appearance of Protec’s existing PC-3900 Paraglaze Extra Flow Clearcoat, says Steve Palanechka, Protec Refinish National Sales Manager.
“We see our local laboratories as a big advantage for Protec customers and it’s been proven again with this fantastic new clearcoat. We called it ‘Fast Flow Clearcoat’ because that’s exactly what it is! Our development team has been able to tune the formulation for the same short bake time as PC-5870 Paraglaze Panel Clearcoat but with even faster flash-off between coats and the ability to polish soon after baking. At the same time they have kept all the existing characteristics that customers love – easy to mix and apply, a fabulous gloss finish straight ‘off-the-gun’ and excellent durability under local conditions. We trialled it in several fast paced shops and the feedback was that it’s exactly what they wanted. For small areas through to multi panel work, it’s definitely the high productivity option. In fact, we believe it’s a market leader and that’s another clear ‘win’ for Protec customers!”